What is Integrative Psychiatry?

Integrative Psychiatry is a field of medicine that combines the best aspects of conventional psychiatry alongside complementary holistic healing modalities. Integrative psychiatrists work with patients to address the root causes of their symptoms with a combination of conventional and holistic modalities. Learn more here.

How does integrative psychiatry differ from conventional psychiatry?

Conventional psychiatry generally consists of prescribing medications to reduce problematic symptoms. In addition to conventional medication management, Dr. Thomas may also recommend safe, effective treatments that most psychiatrists have not yet been trained in, such as: 1) Individualized laboratory assessments coupled with specific supplement recommendations, 2) Supplements and herbs, 3) Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, 4) Mind-body approaches such as biofeedback, mindfulness meditation, yoga, etc, 5) Targeted nutritional and lifestyle advice and interventions, along with many others.

Do you offer in-person and telehealth appointments?

Yes! We offer appointments both in-person and over telehealth.

Do I need an in-person appointment?

In 2025, an in-person appointment is not be required. Starting January 1st, 2026, an in-person appointment may be required for the first appointment and then once per year for any patient who may be receiving a prescription for a controlled substance (such as stimulants, ketamine, or sleep aids like Ambien, etc). This requirement is dependent on changing regulations and we will update this page as we receive more information.

What should I expect at my first appointment?

Dr. Thomas tailors his approach to each patient’s needs. Although the first appointment will vary from patient to patient, you can expect to have a comfortable conversation with Dr. Thomas in which he explores your history, your current needs, and your goals. You will leave the first appointment with a custom patient plan, fitted to your needs, goals, and preferences.

What kinds of testing do you offer?

After Dr. Thomas completes a thorough review of your case, he may consider ordering additional testing. Testing may include a blood work panel tailored to your needs (typically looking for common nutritional and metabolic imbalances), and/or objective cognitive testing, among other testing options.

Are my labs and prescriptions covered by insurance?

We are a self-pay practice. However, many insurance plans cover or supplement the cost of your prescriptions and labs. In order to avoid any surprises, it is always best to speak with your insurance company before getting any labs done.

Can I treat my ADD/ADHD with Integrative Psychiatry?

Yes! There are many holistic ways to treat attention deficit. However, many people find stimulant medications to be the most helpful. Dr. Thomas will discuss all of your options with you and collaborate with you to decide which path is best for you. For patients being considered for a new diagnosis of ADD/ADHD, objective cognitive testing can be helpful. We offer brief and affordable online testing options.

“I don’t understand how some of the root causes you describe have anything to do with my symptoms. For example, can you explain how overgrowth of Candida is connected with depression?”

Many organisms such as the yeast Candida Albicans are supposed to exist in the gut environment. However, when they are given the right conditions they can take up more space in the gut lining than they were intended and transform from the relatively harmless yeast form to a more aggressive fungal form. This aggressive variant can excrete toxic substances such as acetaldehyde that can gain access to the brain and cause problematic symptoms such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, poor concentration or “brain fog”, and many others. Therefore, by creating a more favorable gut environment with better nutrition and the right probiotics may help correct these imbalances.


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